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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Post 6: Hammurabi's Code

  1. If a man strike a free-born woman so that she lose her unborn child, he shall pay ten shekels for her loss.
  2. If a man adopt a son, and if after he has taken him he injure his foster father and mother, then this adopted son shall return to his father's house.
  3. If a man be guilty of incest with his daughter, he shall be driven from the place.
  4. If a man let in the water, and the water overflow the plantation of his neighbor, he shall pay ten gur of corn for every ten gan of land.
  5. If persons are stolen, then shall the community and . . . pay one mina of silver to their relatives.

 I put number 1 because striking women is avery bad thing to do, espically pregnant women. Number 2 made it to my list because I believe that it is wrong for parents to abuse their children, espically foster children. I put number 3 because incest is revolting. Number 4 is important because it is fair that if you ruin your neighbor's crops, you pay for the damage. Lastly, number 5 seems fair, because if a child goes missing, it is largely the community's fault, and they should pay for parents' suffering and losses. 

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